В этом прогоне я использовал классификацию sklearn.svm.SVC, чтобы увидеть, оказывают ли технические индикаторы какое-либо прогнозирующее влияние на цену следующего периода.

Вот используемые функции: rsi, adx, закрытие, максимум, минимум изменения цен.

x_rsi = rsi(X['close'])
x_adx = adx(X['high'], X['low'], X['close'])
x_close_change = np.log( X['close']).diff()
x_high_change = np.log(X['high']).diff()
x_low_change = np.log(X['low']). diff()
x_close_change50 = np.log(X['close']).diff(50)

Оценка перекрестной проверки ([0,48493068, 0,48733414, 0,48325792]). Предпочел бы, чтобы это значение было выше 0,5, чтобы эта модель была точной.

Technical analysis to classify data.
By [email protected]
23 May 2018
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.linalg import norm
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
pickle_path = '../data_bank/XBTUSD_BSTP_Curncy_2017-11-06_to_2018-05-22_interval_1.pkl'
X = pd.read_pickle(pickle_path).head(10000)
X_test = pd.read_pickle(pickle_path).tail(10000)['close'].values
Y = [np.sign(np.diff(np.log(X)))]
def rsi(close, n=14, fillna=False):
    """Relative Strength Index (RSI)
    Compares the magnitude of recent gains and losses over a specified time
    period to measure speed and change of price movements of a security. It is
    primarily used to attempt to identify overbought or oversold conditions in
    the trading of an asset.
        close(pandas.Series): dataset 'Close' column.
        n(int): n period.
        fillna(bool): if True, fill nan values.
        pandas.Series: New feature generated.
    diff = close.diff()
    which_dn = diff < 0
up, dn = diff, diff*0
    up[which_dn], dn[which_dn] = 0, -up[which_dn]
emaup = up.ewm(n).mean()
    emadn = dn.ewm(n).mean()
rsi = 100 * emaup/(emaup + emadn)
    if fillna:
        rsi = rsi.fillna(50)
    return pd.Series(rsi, name='rsi')
def adx(high, low, close, n=14, fillna=False):
    """Average Directional Movement Index (ADX)
    The Plus Directional Indicator (+DI) and Minus Directional Indicator (-DI)
    are derived from smoothed averages of these differences, and measure trend
    direction over time. These two indicators are often referred to collectively
    as the Directional Movement Indicator (DMI).
    The Average Directional Index (ADX) is in turn derived from the smoothed
    averages of the difference between +DI and -DI, and measures the strength
    of the trend (regardless of direction) over time.
    Using these three indicators together, chartists can determine both the
    direction and strength of the trend.
        high(pandas.Series): dataset 'High' column.
        low(pandas.Series): dataset 'Low' column.
        close(pandas.Series): dataset 'Close' column.
        n(int): n period.
        fillna(bool): if True, fill nan values.
        pandas.Series: New feature generated.
    cs = close.shift(1)
tr = high.combine(cs, max) - low.combine(cs, min)
    trs = tr.rolling(n).sum()
up = high - high.shift(1)
    dn = low.shift(1) - low
pos = ((up > dn) & (up > 0)) * up
    neg = ((dn > up) & (dn > 0)) * dn
dip = 100 * pos.rolling(n).sum() / trs
    din = 100 * neg.rolling(n).sum() / trs
dx = 100 * np.abs((dip - din)/(dip + din))
    adx = dx.ewm(n).mean()
if fillna:
        adx = adx.fillna(40)
    return pd.Series(adx, name='adx')
x_rsi = rsi(X['close'])
x_adx = adx(X['high'], X['low'], X['close'])
x_close_change = np.log(X['close']).diff()
x_high_change = np.log(X['high']).diff()
x_low_change = np.log(X['low']).diff()
x_close_change50 = np.log(X['close']).diff(50)
x = list(zip(x_rsi, x_adx, x_close_change, x_high_change, x_low_change, 
x_a = x[50:][:-1]
y = np.sign(x_close_change.shift(-1).fillna(0))
y_a = y[50:][:-1]
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
clf = svm.SVC()
scores = cross_val_score(clf, x_a, y_a)