Как обрабатывать динамические текстовые поля в динамической таблице?

Я хочу СУММИТЬ (добавить) значения из текстовых полей в одних и тех же столбцах и отображать СУММ в текстовых полях последней строки соответственно при нажатии кнопки «Рассчитать».
Все текстовые поля генерируются динамически при нажатии кнопки «Создать таблицу».

Я не понимаю, как получить идентификаторы этих текстовых полей.

Код файла .aspx выглядит следующим образом:

    <asp:Label ID="lblTest" runat="server"></asp:Label>
    &nbsp;<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server"></asp:Label>
    <br />
    <br />
    Select CC No :&nbsp;
    <asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" 
        onselectedindexchanged="DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged" Width="100px">
&nbsp;<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" onclick="Button1_Click" Text="Create Table" 
        style="height: 26px" Width="100px" />

Код выглядит следующим образом для текстовых полей динамической таблицы n в файле aspx.cs:

public partial class stable : System.Web.UI.Page
private int tblRow;
private int tblCol = 9;
private int i, j;
private bool CTflag;

Table table = new Table();
TableRow row,rrow;
TableCell cell,rcell;
FileUpload fileUp;
Button UpLdButton;
TextBox tb,tbr;
TextBox txtRes; // to store result of calculation

string cmdArg; // for passing filuploaders id with Command button
string txtArgs;

private string filename = "fileUpLoader";

private string tbRowId = "row";
private string tbColId = "col";

protected int Rows
        return ViewState["Rows"] != null ? (int)ViewState["Rows"] : 0;
        ViewState["Rows"] = tblRow;

// Columns property to hold the Columns in the ViewState
protected int Columns
        return ViewState["Columns"] != null ? (int)ViewState["Columns"] : 0;
        ViewState["Columns"] = tblCol;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (Page.IsPostBack)
        this.Rows = tblRow;
        this.Columns = tblCol;
        if (CTflag == false)
            CTflag = true;
    //LoadViewState(object this);
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //Button1.Visible = false;

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

protected void CreateDynamicTable()
    //Button1.Visible = false;
    tblRow = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownList1.SelectedValue);
    //Creat the Table and Add it to the Page    
    if (CTflag == false)
        //Table table = new Table();
        table.Caption = "Challan Entry";
        table.ID = "Challan Entry";
        table.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.BurlyWood;

        // Now iterate through the table and add your controls
        for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
            row = new TableRow();
            row.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Ridge;

            for (j = 0; j <= tblCol; j++)
                cell = new TableCell();
                cell.BorderWidth = 5;
                cell.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Ridge;
                cell.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Azure;
                for (j = 0; j <= tblCol; j++)
                    string[] Header = { "CC NO.", "DATE", "TotalAmt", "NoOfRecpt", "Energy", "New", "Theft", "Misc", "SelectFile", "Upload", "Status" };
                    Label lbl = new Label();
                    lbl.ID = "lblHeader" + j;
                    if (j == 8)
                        lbl.Width = 220;
                    else if (j == 9)
                        lbl.Width = 50;
                        lbl.Width = 100;
                    lbl.Text = Header[j];

                    // Add the control to the TableCell

            // Add the TableRow to the Table
        for (i = 0; i < tblRow; i++)
            row = new TableRow();
            row.ID = tbRowId + i;
            row.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Ridge;

            for (j = 0; j <= tblCol; j++)
                cell = new TableCell();
                cell.ID = tbColId + i + j;
                cell.BorderWidth = 5;
                cell.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Ridge;
                cell.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Azure;
                for (j = 0; j <= 0; j++)
                    Label lbl = new Label();
                    lbl.ID = "lblCCRow" + i + "Col" + j;
                    lbl.Text = "CC NO. " + i + " ";
                    lbl.Width = 100;
                    // Add the control to the TableCell
                for (j = 1; j <= 1; j++)
                    Label lbl = new Label();
                    lbl.ID = "lblRow" + i + "Col" + j;
                    lbl.Width = 100;
                    lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Day) + "/" + Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Month) + "/" + Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Year);
                    // Add the control to the TableCell
                for (j = 2; j <= 7; j++)
                    tb = new TextBox();
                    tb.Width = 100;
                    tb.ID = "txtBoxRow" + i + "Col" + j;

                    tb.Text = "";
                    // Add the control to the TableCell
                for (j = 8; j <= 8; j++)
                    fileUp = new FileUpload();
                    //m = i; n = j;
                    fileUp.ID = filename + i + j;
                    fileUp.Width = 220;
                    cmdArg = fileUp.ID;

                    UpLdButton = new Button();
                    UpLdButton.Width = 100;
                    UpLdButton.Text = "Upload" + i + "Col" + j;
                    UpLdButton.ID = UpLdButton.Text;
                    UpLdButton.CommandArgument = cmdArg;

                    UpLdButton.Click += new EventHandler(UpLdButton_Click);
                for (j = 9; j <= 9; j++)
                    Label lbl = new Label();
                    lbl.ID = "lblRow" + i + "Col" + j;
                    lbl.Text = "[ Status ]";
                    lbl.Width = 100;
                    // Add the control to the TableCell

            // Add the TableRow to the Table
        } //outer for-loop end

        for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
            rrow = new TableRow();
            rrow.ID = "ResultRow";
            rrow.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Ridge;

            for (j = 0; j <= tblCol; j++)
                rcell = new TableCell();
                rcell.ID = "resultCol" + j;
                rcell.BorderWidth = 5;
                rcell.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Ridge;
                rcell.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Azure;
                for (j = 0; j <= 0; j++)
                    Label lbl = new Label();
                    //lbl.ID = "lblCCRow" + i + "Col" + j;
                    lbl.Text = "<b>Total</b>";
                    lbl.Width = 100;
                    // Add the control to the TableCell
                for (j = 1; j <= 1; j++)
                    Label lbl = new Label();
                    //lbl.ID = "lblRow" + i + "Col" + j;
                    lbl.Width = 100;
                    lbl.Text = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Day) + "/" + Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Month) + "/" + Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now.Year);
                    // Add the control to the TableCell
                for (j = 2; j <= 7; j++)
                    tbr = new TextBox();
                    tbr.Width = 100;
                    tbr.ID = "txtResult" + j;

                    tbr.Text = tbr.ID;
                    // Add the control to the TableCell
                for (j = 8; j <= 8; j++)
                    Button btnCal = new Button();
                    btnCal.Width = 100;
                    btnCal.Text = "Calculate";
                    btnCal.ID = btnCal.Text;
                    txtArgs = tb.ID;
                    btnCal.CommandArgument = txtArgs;
                    Label1.Text = txtArgs;
                    btnCal.Click += new EventHandler(btnCal_Click);


            // Add the TableRow to the Table

        //flag seetting
        CTflag = true;
        ViewState["dynamictable"] = true;
void btnCal_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //Calculation part goes here        
protected override void LoadViewState(object earlierState)
    if (ViewState["dynamictable"] == null)

void UpLdButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Button btnUpLD = sender as Button;
    btnUpLD = (Button)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(row.ID).FindControl(cell.ID).FindControl(UpLdButton.ID);
    //btnUpLD.Text = Convert.ToString((Button)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(row.ID).FindControl(cell.ID).FindControl(UpLdButton.ID));
    //FileUpload fileupld = new FileUpload();
    fileUp = (FileUpload)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(row.ID).FindControl(cell.ID).FindControl(fileUp.ID);
    string args = ((Button)sender).CommandArgument;
    lblTest.Text = args;

protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Label1.Text = "Index Changed!!!";


следующий код - это то, что я пробовал ... но он ошибочен.

при чтении идентификатора textBox m получает только последний идентификатор textBox, и я не могу

итерировать через идентификатор textBox

void btnCal_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Button btnCalculate = sender as Button;
    TextBox txtFields;   // Resultant txtField        
    string[,] txtNames = new string[tblRow,6];

    double TotAmt = new double();
    double NoOfRect = new double();
    double Energy = new double();
    double New1 = new double();
    double Theft = new double();
    double Misc = new double();

    TotAmt = 0; NoOfRect = 0; Energy = 0; New1 = 0; Theft = 0; Misc = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < tblRow; i++)
        for (int j = 2; j <= 7; j++)
            txtRes = new TextBox();
            //txtFields = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(row.ID).FindControl(cell.ID).FindControl(tb.ID);
            //txtFields.Text = txtFields.ID;
            //txtNames[i,j] = txtFields.Text;
            if (j == 2)
                txtFields = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(row.ID).FindControl(cell.ID).FindControl(tb.ID);
                txtNames[i, j] = txtFields.Text;
                TotAmt+= Convert.ToDouble(txtNames[i, j]);
                txtRes = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(rrow.ID).FindControl(rcell.ID).FindControl(tbr.ID);
                txtRes.Text = Convert.ToString(TotAmt);
            else if (j == 3)
                txtFields = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(row.ID).FindControl(cell.ID).FindControl(tb.ID);
                txtNames[i, j] = txtFields.Text;
                NoOfRect+= Convert.ToDouble(txtNames[i, j]);
                txtRes = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(rrow.ID).FindControl(rcell.ID).FindControl(tbr.ID);
                txtRes.Text = Convert.ToString(NoOfRect);
            else if (j == 4)
                txtFields = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(row.ID).FindControl(cell.ID).FindControl(tb.ID);
                txtNames[i, j] = txtFields.Text;
                Energy += Convert.ToDouble(txtNames[i, j]);
                txtRes = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(rrow.ID).FindControl(rcell.ID).FindControl(tbr.ID);
                txtRes.Text = Convert.ToString(Energy);
            else if (j == 5)
                txtFields = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(row.ID).FindControl(cell.ID).FindControl(tb.ID);
                txtNames[i, j] = txtFields.Text;
                New1 += Convert.ToDouble(txtNames[i, j]);
                txtRes = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(rrow.ID).FindControl(rcell.ID).FindControl(tbr.ID);
                txtRes.Text = Convert.ToString(New1);
            else if (j == 6)
                txtFields = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(row.ID).FindControl(cell.ID).FindControl(tb.ID);
                txtNames[i, j] = txtFields.Text;
                Theft += Convert.ToDouble(txtNames[i, j]);
                txtRes = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(rrow.ID).FindControl(rcell.ID).FindControl(tbr.ID);
                txtRes.Text = Convert.ToString(Theft);
            else if (j == 7)
                txtFields = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(row.ID).FindControl(cell.ID).FindControl(tb.ID);
                txtNames[i, j] = txtFields.Text;
                Misc += Convert.ToDouble(txtNames[i, j]);
                txtRes = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(rrow.ID).FindControl(rcell.ID).FindControl(tbr.ID);
                txtRes.Text = Convert.ToString(Misc);
                Label1.Text = Convert.ToString("Value of J : " +j);
            //txtRes = (TextBox)this.FindControl(Form.ID).FindControl(table.ID).FindControl(rrow.ID).FindControl(rcell.ID).FindControl(tbr.ID);
            //txtRes.Text = Convert.ToString(results[i, j]);

Пожалуйста, предложите мне правильный способ сделать это.

person Nishant SB    schedule 06.03.2013    source источник

Ответы (1)

Это может оказаться полезной функцией. Источник функции

public static Control FindControlRecursive(Control root, string id)
        if (root.ID == id)
            return root;

        foreach (Control c in root.Controls)
            Control t = FindControlRecursive(c, id);
            if (t != null)
                return t;

        return null;

Затем просто выполните цикл для текстовых полей, подобных этому.

 for (int i = 0; i < tblRow; i++)
            for (int j = 2; j <= 7; j++)
                TextBox tb = FindControlRecursive(this, string.Format("txtBoxRow{0}Col{1}", i, j));
                    case 2:
                        TotAmt += Convert.ToDouble(tb.Text);
                    case 3:
                        Label1.Text = Convert.ToString("Value of J : " + j);
person Stephen    schedule 06.03.2013