NginX не закрывает соединение

У меня есть веб-сервис BE, который возвращает wsdl. Когда я обращаюсь к нему напрямую, он загружается без проблем, но когда я обращаюсь к тому же через NginX, загрузка занимает больше времени (около 5-6 минут). Когда я анализирую это, кажется, что хотя сервер отправляет все данные клиенту, сервер/NginX не закрывает соединение, поэтому браузер не может отображать контент. Бэкенд-сервер всегда отправляет полный ответ NginX, но NginX не отправляет все клиенту. Кажется, NginX ждет большего? Ниже приведены некоторые варианты завивки.

Прямой вызов BE (заголовки запроса и ответа)

> GET /services/echo?wsdl HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.51.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: text/xml
< Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 08:32:35 GMT
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Звонок через Nginx (запрос и ответ)

> GET /services/echo?wsdl HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.51.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: nginx/1.10.0 (Ubuntu)
< Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 08:33:10 GMT
< Content-Type: text/xml
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
< Connection: close

Ниже приведены журналы отладки из NginX.

2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: accept on, ready: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9262#0: accept on, ready: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9264#0: accept on, ready: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9265#0: accept on, ready: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9259#0: accept on, ready: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9261#0: accept on, ready: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9263#0: accept on, ready: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: posix_memalign: 000056056AF30BB0:512 @16
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9262#0: accept() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9264#0: accept() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9265#0: accept() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9259#0: accept() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9261#0: accept() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 accept: fd:18
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9263#0: accept() not ready (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 event timer add: 18: 60000:1484141852366
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 reusable connection: 1
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 epoll add event: fd:18 op:1 ev:80002001
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http wait request handler
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 malloc: 000056056AF30DC0:1024
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 recv: fd:18 122 of 1024
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 reusable connection: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 posix_memalign: 000056056AEB3F10:4096 @16
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http process request line
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http request line: "GET /services/Test_property?wsdl HTTP/1.1"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http uri: "/services/Test_property"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http args: "wsdl"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http exten: ""
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http process request header line
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http header: "Host:"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 posix_memalign: 000056056AF20990:4096 @16
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http header: "User-Agent: curl/7.51.0"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http header: "Accept: */*"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http header done
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 event timer del: 18: 1484141852366
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 generic phase: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 rewrite phase: 1
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 test location: "/"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 using configuration "/"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http cl:-1 max:1048576
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 rewrite phase: 3
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 post rewrite phase: 4
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 generic phase: 5
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 generic phase: 6
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 generic phase: 7
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 access phase: 8
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 access phase: 9
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 access phase: 10
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 post access phase: 11
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 try files phase: 12
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http init upstream, client timer: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 epoll add event: fd:18 op:3 ev:80002005
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http script copy: "X-Forwarded-Host: "
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http script var: ""
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http script copy: "
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http script copy: "X-Forwarded-Server: "
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http script var: ""
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http script copy: "
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http script copy: "X-Forwarded-For: "
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http script var: ""
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http script copy: "
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http script copy: "Host: "
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http script var: ""
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http script copy: "
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http script copy: "Connection: close
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http script copy: ""
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http script copy: ""
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http script copy: ""
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http script copy: ""
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http proxy header: "User-Agent: curl/7.51.0"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http proxy header: "Accept: */*"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http proxy header:
"GET /services/Test_property?wsdl HTTP/1.0
Connection: close
User-Agent: curl/7.51.0
Accept: */*

2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http cleanup add: 000056056AF211F0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 get rr peer, try: 2
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 get rr peer, current: 000056056AF00070 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 stream socket 19
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 epoll add connection: fd:19 ev:80002005
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 connect to, fd:19 #6
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http upstream connect: -2
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 posix_memalign: 000056056AF30300:128 @16
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 event timer add: 19: 60000:1484141852368
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http finalize request: -4, "/services/Test_property?wsdl" a:1, c:2
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http request count:2 blk:0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http run request: "/services/Test_property?wsdl"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http upstream check client, write event:1, "/services/Test_property"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http upstream request: "/services/Test_property?wsdl"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http upstream send request handler
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http upstream send request
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http upstream send request body
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 chain writer buf fl:1 s:274
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 chain writer in: 000056056AF21230
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 writev: 274 of 274
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 chain writer out: 0000000000000000
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 event timer del: 19: 1484141852368
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 event timer add: 19: 300000:1484142092368
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http upstream request: "/services/Test_property?wsdl"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http upstream process header
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 malloc: 000056056AF219A0:4096
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 recv: eof:0, avail:1
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 recv: fd:19 4096 of 4096
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http proxy status 200 "200 OK"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http proxy header: "Content-Type: text/xml"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http proxy header: "Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 13:36:32 GMT"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http proxy header: "Connection: Close"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http proxy header done
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 xslt filter header
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.11.8
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 13:36:32 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive

2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 write new buf t:1 f:0 000056056AF214A8, pos 000056056AF214A8, size: 154 file: 0, size: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:154
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http cacheable: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http proxy filter init s:200 h:0 c:0 l:-1
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http upstream process upstream
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 pipe read upstream: 1
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 pipe preread: 3997
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 input buf #0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 malloc: 000056056AF229B0:4096
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 readv: eof:0, avail:1
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 readv: 1, last:4096
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 pipe recv chain: 561
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 pipe buf in   s:1 t:1 f:0 000056056AF219A0, pos 000056056AF21A03, size: 3997 file: 0, size: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 000056056AF229B0, pos 000056056AF229B0, size: 561 file: 0, size: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 pipe length: -1
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 pipe write downstream: 1
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 pipe write busy: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 pipe write buf ls:1 000056056AF21A03 3997
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 pipe write: out:000056056AF21650, f:0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http output filter "/services/Test_property?wsdl"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http copy filter: "/services/Test_property?wsdl"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 image filter
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 xslt filter body
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http postpone filter "/services/Test_property?wsdl" 000056056AF21650
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http chunk: 3997
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 write old buf t:1 f:0 000056056AF214A8, pos 000056056AF214A8, size: 154 file: 0, size: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 write new buf t:1 f:0 000056056AF217E8, pos 000056056AF217E8, size: 5 file: 0, size: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 write new buf t:1 f:0 000056056AF219A0, pos 000056056AF21A03, size: 3997 file: 0, size: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 write new buf t:0 f:0 0000000000000000, pos 000056056A20868A, size: 2 file: 0, size: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http write filter: l:0 f:1 s:4158
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http write filter limit 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 writev: 4158 of 4158
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http write filter 0000000000000000
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http copy filter: 0 "/services/Test_property?wsdl"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 pipe write busy: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 pipe write: out:0000000000000000, f:0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 pipe read upstream: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 000056056AF229B0, pos 000056056AF229B0, size: 561 file: 0, size: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 pipe buf free s:0 t:1 f:0 000056056AF219A0, pos 000056056AF219A0, size: 0 file: 0, size: 0
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 pipe length: -1
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 event timer: 19, old: 1484142092368, new: 1484142092387
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http upstream request: "/services/Test_property?wsdl"
2017/01/11 19:36:32 [debug] 9258#0: *5 http upstream dummy handler

Что я пробовал

Я попытался удалить свойство Connection Keep-alive. Но без везения. Отключено поддержание соединения на стороне сервера BE.

У меня ничего не получалось. Кто-нибудь знает, что здесь происходит?

person ycr    schedule 11.01.2017    source источник
Я решил проблему. Кажется, что мой сервер BE по умолчанию отправляет ответы без фрагментов. Таким образом, принуждение BE к использованию HTTP 1.1 решило проблему. Я использовал следующее свойство в Nginx. прокси_http_версия 1.1;   -  person ycr    schedule 11.01.2017

Ответы (1)

Я решил проблему. Кажется, что мой BE-сервер по умолчанию отправляет неразделенные ответы (используя HTTP 1.0). Таким образом, принуждение BE к использованию HTTP 1.1 решило проблему. Я использовал следующее свойство в Nginx.

proxy_http_version 1.1; 
person ycr    schedule 11.01.2017