Программа, использующая AsyncIO и aiohttp для сканирования сайта и сбора всех URL-адресов.

С помощью этого асинхронного (более быстрого) решения вы можете собирать все URL-адреса с сайта и записывать их в текстовые файлы в том же каталоге, где находится программа. Эти текстовые файлы затем можно использовать для дальнейшего сканирования или служить в качестве базы данных, возможно, выполняя диф через равные промежутки времени.

Оригинальный код был изменен мной, чтобы заставить его работать вообще и делать то, что я хочу. Вы можете увеличить количество параллельных задач или что угодно. Пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь публиковать свои модификации здесь, если вы найдете хорошие решения.

У меня есть несколько идей для распределенных вычислений html-javascript-python

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# python 3.5 async web crawler.
# https://github.com/mehmetkose/python3.5-async-crawler

# Licensed under the MIT license:
# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license
# Copyright (c) 2016 Mehmet Kose [email protected]

# Copyright () 2017 Drill Bit but I am not so fuzzy about it.

A bot that surfs a site and extracts all links from it. It does not at the moment move to other sites.
It puts in site pages in one text file, external sites in another text-file and left overs such as media files in a separate file.
After the search is complete it cleans the data and removes duplicates which is put in cleaned files. Than a back up is written and the content is rewritten to the original file for the next search. This way a database can increase over time.

You are only given web adresses with this program.

You can either put in content extraction into this program or write another program to read from the list this program generates and extract relevant content. It will really hammer the server so thread I mean async carefully. On a normal laptop, run at maximum four instances on different sites at the same time. It will use CPU. Not so much RAM though.

There are many interesting things one could do with multiple computers, a central web address database and distributed crawling. Any hand held device could help with a scraping collaboration in exchange for access to the total effort. Trade in crawling for access. If you want more info on the idea all I need is a place to cook ( Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas ).

It is sensitive to the root_url.

import aiohttp
import asyncio
import async_timeout
from urllib.parse import urljoin, urldefrag

#calculate execution time. Hours...
import time
start = time.time()

antal_arbetare = 10 #original är 3


root_url = "http://www.bbc.com"

crawled_urls, url_hub = [], [root_url, "%s/sitemap.xml" % (root_url), "%s/robots.txt" % (root_url)]

#Choose a webbrowser to present to the server.
#headers = {'user-agent': 'Opera/9.80 (X11; Linux x86_64; U; en) Presto/2.2.15 Version/10.10'}
#headers = {'user-agent': 'Firefox/53 (X11; Linux x86_64; U; en) sinGUlaro/5.2.12 Ver/2.8'}
headers = {'user-agent': 'Chrome (Windows 7; B; br) Presto/2.2.15 Version/10.10'}
#headers = {'user-agent': 'Chromium112AD (Windows 10; CZ) Xenialtrouble-0.2.0'}
#headers = {'user-agent': 'Firefox12 (Win XP; build-1076-1) tubular bells'}
#headers = {ADD YOUR OWN}

async def get_body(url):
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
            with async_timeout.timeout(5):
                async with session.get(url, headers=headers) as response:
                    if response.status == 200:
                        html = await response.text()
                        return {'error': '', 'html': html}
                        return {'error': response.status, 'html': ''}
        except Exception as err:
            return {'error': err, 'html': ''}

async def handle_task(task_id, work_queue):
    while not work_queue.empty():
        queue_url = await work_queue.get()
        if not queue_url in crawled_urls:
            a = open('crawledsites.txt','a')
            body = await get_body(queue_url)
            if not body['error']:
                for new_url in get_urls(body['html']):
                    if root_url in new_url and not new_url in crawled_urls:
                        if root_url.split("//")[-1].split("/")[0].split('www.')[-1] not in new_url:
                            if 'file:///' in new_url:
                                wt = open('localfiles.txt','a')
                                if 'adserver' not in new_url and 'facebook' not in new_url and 'tel:' not in new_url and 'file:///' not in new_url and 'googleapis' not in new_url and 'javascript' not in new_url and 'yimg.com' not in new_url and 'btrll.com' not in new_url and 'flickr.com' not in new_url and 'tv.nu' not in new_url and 'klart.se' not in new_url and 'twitter.com' not in new_url and 'linkedin.com' not in new_url and 'facebook.com' not in new_url and 'instagram.com' not in new_url and 'mailto:' not in new_url:
                                    ct = open('externaurl.txt','a')
                                    ct.close() #sluttest
                erroro = open('notapprovedlinks.txt','a')
                erroro.close() #https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19457227/how-to-print-like-printf-in-python3

def remove_fragment(url):
    pure_url, frag = urldefrag(url)
    return pure_url

def get_urls(html):
    new_urls = [url.split('"')[0] for url in str(html).replace("'",'"').split('href="')[1:]]
    return [urljoin(root_url, remove_fragment(new_url)) for new_url in new_urls]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    q = asyncio.Queue()
    [q.put_nowait(url) for url in url_hub]    
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    tasks = [handle_task(task_id, q) for task_id in range(antal_arbetare)]

#print and log the time
end = time.time()
langd = end-start
logg= open('logg.txt','a')
logg.write(str(root_url)+' - '+str(langd)+' sek - '+str(len(crawled_urls))+'\n')
print(str(root_url)+'   '+str(len(crawled_urls)))

#           AFTERBIRTH - The miracle of birth                   #
lines_seen = set() # holds lines already seen
outfile = open('externa-sorterade.txt', "w")
for line in open('externaurl.txt', "r"):
    if line not in lines_seen:# not a duplicate

outfile = open(str(time.localtime()[0])+'_'+str(time.localtime()[2])+'_'+str(time.localtime()[4])+'_externbackupp.txt', 'w')
for line in open('externa-sorterade.txt', 'r'):

#Gör ny externfil med uppdaterade rader
outfile = open('externaurl.txt', "w")
for line in open('externa-sorterade.txt', "r"):


lines_seen = set() # holds lines already seen
outfile = open('crawledsites-sorterad.txt', "w")
for line in open('crawledsites.txt', "r"):
    if line not in lines_seen: # not a duplicate

outfile = open(str(time.localtime()[0])+'_'+str(time.localtime()[2])+'_'+str(time.localtime()[4])+'_kravlarbackupp.txt', 'w')
for line in open('crawledsites-sorterad.txt', 'r'):

outfile = open('crawledsites.txt', "w")
for line in open('crawledsites-sorterad.txt', "r"):

person Drill Bit    schedule 20.06.2017    source источник
Каков ваш вопрос?   -  person Yuval Pruss    schedule 23.06.2017

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person Drill Bit    schedule 20.06.2017