23.02.2023 C#

Целта ми е да науча C# и да споделя наученото с хората. Споменах с примери, които са с кодове за коментари.

Ще продължим за C#

  • Примери за речник

Пример= Речникът и методът List имат операцията Add, която е вградена в системата и кодовете на операцията Add работят във фонов режим, но не знаем как работят ключът и стойността в системата. Ето защо искам да покажа Add( ) операция. Как работи тази операция във фонов режим, нека я видим по-долу.

static void Main(string[] args)

            MyDictionary<double,string> dictionaryManager= new MyDictionary<double, string>();
            //MyDictionary is defined the as a dictionary method. it has  key and value ,
            //key=double value=string
            //Add method check the MyDictionary class because we write manual codes about Add
            dictionaryManager.Add(151220162128, "Murat"); //we use the add operiton to systems.
            dictionaryManager.Add(151220161512, "Faruk");

            foreach (var id in dictionaryManager.keyss)  //we used the foreach to show display.
            {//we show id as a keys
                Console.WriteLine("Student ID :{0} ",id);
            foreach (var name in dictionaryManager.namess)
            {//we show name as a value
                Console.WriteLine("Student Name :{0}",name);
            //we show the display about key and name length of memory.
            Console.WriteLine("Student ID Lenght of memory: {0}",dictionaryManager.keyLength); 
            Console.WriteLine("Student Names Length of memory: {0}",dictionaryManager.nameLength);


  class MyDictionary<Tkey,TValue> //MyDictionary is defined the Tkey and TValue as double and string
        Tkey[] key;
        Tkey[] keyTempArray;    //these ones are defined as  Arrays
        TValue[] names;
        TValue[] namesTempArray;
        public MyDictionary()
            key = new Tkey[0];
            names= new TValue[0]; //key and names have 0 memory arrray.and key and names have been defined  new reference
        public void Add(Tkey ky,TValue nm) //we can see the Code Logic in this code about backround.
        {//this method using for doing something we used the void.and we have key and name we will take the in the main section.
            keyTempArray = key;
            namesTempArray = names;   // we create the new reference numbers to key and name which are informations are hold by keyTempArray and nameTempArray
            //why we ara using this one.Because when we create the new reference array numbers ,before reference array numbers will be deleted.
            //That's why we are hold them with tempArrays
            key = new Tkey[key.Length + 1];   //we defined the new reference number to next array for key(ID)
            names=new TValue[names.Length + 1]; //we defined the new reference number to next array for value(name)

            for (int i = 0; i < key.Length-1; i++)
                key[i] = keyTempArray[i];   //key arrays are defined by keyTemparrays previous informations.          
            for (int i = 0; i < names.Length-1; i++)
                names[i] = namesTempArray[i];  //name arrays are defined by namesTemparrays previous informations.          
            key[key.Length - 1] = ky;
            names[names.Length-1]= nm;


        public Tkey[] keyss
            get { return key; }  //we want to show keys(ID) in display that's why we are getting the information.
        public TValue[] namess
            get { return names; } //we want to show Value(Names) in display that's why we are getting the information.
        public int keyLength    //we want to show Key length of memory in display that's why we are getting the information.

            get { return key.Length; }
        public int nameLength
            get { return names.Length; }   //we want to show name length of memory in display that's why we are getting the information.
