Python UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' кодек не може да декодира байт 0xe2 ред не е в обхват (128)

Опитвам се да напиша първото си приложение в Google App Engine с Python (връзка към приложението: - това е само експериментално приложение). Целият код е по-долу.

Но когато изпратя данните, получавам тази грешка (показва се в регистрационните файлове):

(...) line 265, in get "contractType":geted_contractType
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 949: ordinal not in range(128)

Ред 265 е в този if блок:

self.response.out.write(yourcontract % {"resident":geted_resident_name,
                                      "witness ":geted_witness ,

Опитах се да направя промени, да прочета подобни отговори (като това или това), но нищо помогна. Не мога да разбера в този код какво се обърка. Някой може ли да разбере какво причинява тази грешка и как да я поправя?

Използвам Python 2.7.

Благодаря предварително за всяка помощ!

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

    import webapp2

    form = """

        <title>Contract with Python</title>
        <style type="text/css">
          .label {text-align: right}
          .error {color: red}


        <h2>Contract with Python</h2>
        <form method="post">
              <td class="label">
                <input type="text" name="resident" value= "%(resident)s">
              <td class="error"> %(resident_error)s


              <td class="label">
                <input type="text" name="nacionality" value= " ">

              <td class="label">
                <input type="text" name="driverLicense" value="">

              <td class="label">
                <input type="text" name="SSN" value="%(SSN)s">
              <td class="error"> %(SSN_error)s

              <td class="label">
                Email (optional)
                <input type="text" name="email" value="%(email)s">
              <td class="error"> %(email_error)s


            <td class="label">
              Contract Type
              <select name = "contractType">
                  <option>House  Rental Contract</option>
                  <option>Car Rental Contract</option>

              <select name = "owner">
                  <option>House owner</option>
                  <option>Car owner</option>
                  <option>Other owner</option>

              <select name = "witness">
                  <option>Carl Sagan</option>
                  <option>Mahatma Gandhi</option>

          <input type="submit">


    yourcontract = """
        <title>Unit 2 Signup</title>



    In consideration of the agreements of the Resident(s), known as: %(resident)s The owner hereby rents them the dwelling located at %(residentAdress)s, for the period commencing on the %(dateStarts)s, and monthly thereafter until the last day of %(dateEnds)s, at which time this Agreement is terminated. Resident(s), in consideration of owners permitting them to occupy the above property, hereby agrees to the following terms:

    RENT: To pay as rental the sum of $ (rentalSum) per month, due and payable in advance from the first day of every month. Failure to pay rent when due will result in the owner taking immediate legal action to evict the Resident from the premises and seize the security deposit.
    LATE FEE: Rent received after the first of the month will be subject to a late fee of 10% plus (3.00) dollars per day.

    ACCEPTED THIS (dateContract), at (localContract).

    %(resident)s - Resident

    %(owner)s – owner

    %(witness)s – Witness



    import re

    USER_RE = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,20}$")
    def valid_resident(resident):
        return USER_RE.match(resident)

    PASS_RE = re.compile(r"^.{3,20}$")
    def valid_SSN(SSN):
        return PASS_RE.match(SSN)

    EMAIL_RE = re.compile(r"^[\S]+@[\S]+\.[\S]+$")
    def valid_email(email):
        return EMAIL_RE.match(email)

    def escape_html(s):
        for (i,o) in (("&","&"), (">",">"), ("<","<"), ('"','"')):
            s = s.replace(i,o)
            return s

    import time

    import datetime

    def dateToday():
        today =
        todayDay = str(
        todayMonth = str(today.month)
        monthExt = {'1':' January ', '2':'February', '3':' March ', '4':'April', '5':'May', '6':'June', '7 ':' July ', '8':'August', '9':'September', '10':'October', '11':'November ', '12':'December'}
        todayYear = str(today.year)
        return(todayDay + ' of  ' + monthExtenso[todaymonth] + ' of ' + todayYear)

    class MainHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
        def get(self):
           self.response.out.write(form %{"resident": "",
                                           "SSN": "",
                                           "driverLicense": "",
                                           "resident_error": "",
                                           "SSN_error": "",
                                           "driverLicense_error": "",
                                           "email_error": ""})

        def write_form(self, text_write):

        def post(self):
            resident_name = self.request.get(escape_html("resident"))
            user_nacionality = self.request.get("nacionality")
            user_SSN = self.request.get(escape_html('SSN'))
            user_email = self.request.get(escape_html('email'))
            user_driverLicense = self.request.get(escape_html('driverLicense'))
            resident_error = ""
            SSN_error = ""
            driverLicense_error = ""
            contract_type = self.request.get("contractType")
            owner = self.request.get("owner")
            witness  = self.request.get("witness ")

            if (resident_name and valid_resident(resident_name)) \
            and (user_SSN and valid_SSN(user_SSN)) \
            and ((not user_email) or (user_email and valid_email(user_email))):
                self.redirect('/yourcontract?resident=%s&nacionality=%s&SSN=%s&driverLicense=%s&email=%s&witness=%s&owner=%s' % (resident_name, user_nacionality, user_SSN, user_driverLicense, user_email,
    witness, owner))
                if not valid_resident(resident_name):
                    resident_error = "Oh no!!! this resident name isn't valid!"
                if not valid_SSN(user_SSN):
                    SSN_error = "Oh no!!! SSN isn't valid!"
                if user_email and not valid_email(user_email):
                    email_error = "Oh no!!! e-mail isn't valid!"
                self.write_form(form % {"resident":resident_name,

    class yourcontractHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
        def get(self):
            geted_resident_name = self.request.get('resident')
            geted_user_nacionality = self.request.get("nacionality")
            geted_user_SSN = self.request.get('SSN')
            geted_user_email = self.request.get('email')
            geted_user_driverLicense = self.request.get('driverLicense')
            geted_resident_error = ""
            geted_SSN_error = ""
            geted_driverLicense_error = ""
            #geted_contract_type = self.request.get("contractType")
            geted_owner = self.request.get("owner")
            geted_witness  = self.request.get("witness")
            geted_contractType = self.request.get("contractType")

            self.response.out.write(yourcontract % {"resident":geted_resident_name,
                                          "witness ":geted_witness ,

    app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/', MainHandler), ('/yourcontract', yourcontractHandler)],

person craftApprentice    schedule 07.06.2012    source източник
Проверете това:   -  person Daenyth    schedule 07.06.2012
пробвал ли си encode('utf-8'), това може да реши проблема ти   -  person Jaini Naveen    schedule 23.08.2012

Отговори (3)

Наистина трябва да използвате правилна система за шаблони. Jinja2 е включен в AppEngine.

Междувременно обаче вашият проблем е, че вашите шаблони са ASCII, но вашите данни не са (не мога да разбера дали са utf-8 или unicode). Лесно решение е да добавите префикс към всеки шаблонен низ с u, за да стане Unicode.

Но наистина трябва да използвате правилна система за шаблони.

person Daniel Roseman    schedule 07.06.2012
Здравейте, @Daniel Roseman, започвам да използвам jinja2, но, знаете, останах с тази грешка: Бихте ли предоставили малко помощ? Благодаря отново! - person craftApprentice; 18.06.2012

Ето ви решение.

>>> "t".decode("utf-8")
>>> "\x81".decode("utf-8")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "encodings/", line 7799, in decode
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0x81 in position 0: unexpected code byte

>>> "a\x81b".decode("utf-8", "replace")  # this will decode better and the right way.
person Tejas Tank    schedule 10.09.2012
Кодирането във вашия пример не е по-добро. Всичко, което постигнахте, е да замените не-ASCII символи с Unicode символ FFFD. Не мога да си представя, че питащият би искал този знак да се появи в неговите/нейните данни. - person Luke Woodward; 22.09.2012

Задайте енкодер по подразбиране в горната част на вашия код

В, който се намира в /google/appengine/tools/

на ред 73 доп

import sys
person HimalayanCoder    schedule 09.02.2015
това беше единственото решение, което работи за мен, пробвах другите две и те не работят. Благодаря ти. - person jimh; 10.09.2016
Същото, добавянето на това към моя скрипт разреши тази грешка. Нищо друго не работеше. Зададох на 'utf-8'. - person frmbelz; 10.09.2020