DL4J - Точност с автоматичен енкодер за обезшумяване

Опитвам се да стартирам примерния код, предоставен от DL4J за подредения автоматичен кодиращ шум. Резултатите ми обаче бяха наистина лоши:

Warning: class 0 was never predicted by the model. This class was excluded    from the average precision
Warning: class 1 was never predicted by the model. This class was excluded from the average precision
Warning: class 2 was never predicted by the model. This class was excluded from the average precision
Warning: class 3 was never predicted by the model. This class was excluded from the average precision
Warning: class 4 was never predicted by the model. This class was excluded from the average precision
Warning: class 5 was never predicted by the model. This class was excluded from the average precision
Warning: class 6 was never predicted by the model. This class was excluded from the average precision
Warning: class 7 was never predicted by the model. This class was excluded from the average precision
Warning: class 9 was never predicted by the model. This class was excluded from the average precision

 Accuracy:  0.0944
 Precision: 0.0944
 Recall:    0.1
 F1 Score:  0.0971

Не съм съвсем сигурен какво може да е причината резултатите да са толкова лоши. Използвам набора от данни MNIST и кодът за подредения автоматичен кодиращ шум беше предоставен от DL4J. Моят код е по-долу:

 * Created by chris on 1/31/16.
 * Import statements above
public class stackedDenoisingAutoencoderExample {

    private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(stackedDenoisingAutoencoderExample.class);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        final int numRows = 28;
        final int numColumns = 28;
        int outputNum = 10;
        int numSamples = 60000;
        int batchSize = 100;
        int iterations = 10;
        int seed = 123;
        int listenerFreq = batchSize / 5;

        log.info("Load data....");
        DataSetIterator iter = new MnistDataSetIterator(batchSize,numSamples,true);

        log.info("Build model....");

        MultiLayerConfiguration conf = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder()
            .momentumAfter(Collections.singletonMap(3, 0.9))
            .layer(0, new AutoEncoder.Builder().nIn(numRows * numColumns).nOut(500)
            .layer(1, new AutoEncoder.Builder().nIn(500).nOut(250)

            .layer(2, new AutoEncoder.Builder().nIn(250).nOut(200)
            .layer(3, new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.NEGATIVELOGLIKELIHOOD).activation("softmax")

        MultiLayerNetwork model = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf);
        model.setListeners(Arrays.asList((IterationListener) new ScoreIterationListener(listenerFreq)));

        log.info("Train model....");
        model.fit(iter); // achieves end to end pre-training

        log.info("Evaluate model....");
        Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(outputNum);

        DataSetIterator testIter = new MnistDataSetIterator(100,10000);
        while(testIter.hasNext()) {
            DataSet testMnist = testIter.next();
            INDArray predict2 = model.output(testMnist.getFeatureMatrix());
            eval.eval(testMnist.getLabels(), predict2);

        log.info("****************Example finished********************");



person Chris Hayduk    schedule 22.02.2016    source източник
Задайте въпроса си в чата на gitter на страницата nd4j.   -  person 404pio    schedule 22.02.2016

Отговори (1)

Тъй като изглежда, че сте по-нови в невронните мрежи, бих погледнал CNN: https://github.com/deeplearning4j/dl4j-examples/blob/master/dl4j-examples/src/main/java/org/deeplearning4j/examples/convolution/LenetMnistExample.java

person Adam Gibson    schedule 23.02.2016